About Me

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San José, Costa Rica
I am doctor in Education with a major in Critical Pedagogy and a minor in women studies.I have a master degree in Regional Integration Process, which has provided the foundation for my work as an international consultant working in developing projects in and for rural communities ( e.g Costa Rica, but also other such as Nicaragua, Honduras,Spain, Belgium, Germany). Issues of Social Justice, race, gender, equity and equality are central to my being, and I utilize these as the core of my teaching in Multicultural Education at NMSU. I am friendly and respectful. I love traveling, experiencing new cultures and meeting people around the globe. I love music; I come from a musician family. I love photography and cooking also. I am also the proud mother of a daughter, Maria Gabriela.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dear Mr Tom Horne,

Dear Mr Tom Horne, I took my 5 minutes to analyzes your speech, Your speech in all the news, magazines is limited to “the different programs like ‘raza studies for the chicano American kids, African American for African American kids , Asian for Asian American kids. We don’t want divide students by race, because one of the principal American ideas of public school system is we bring kids together as individuals; what matters about the person is what is her /his character, no what races is his born into. Chicano studies teach kids how they have been oppressed. The textbook they are using is call ‘Pedagogy of oppress by Paulo Freire well known as Brazilian communist, I read the book , those sources are Marx, Engels, Lenin, are the philosophers that influence them, and this kids and their parents most came to this country most illegally because it is the land of the opportunity, and we must teach these kids that they are in the land of the opportunity and if they work hard they can achieve they dreams, and not teaching them that they are oppressed. This is one of the most deep inside believe I have; I mentioned here that I was when Martin Luther King gives his speech that people are individuals, they are not examples of the race they were born in….” Mr Horne, first of all, we want study our history because our history is part of what we are; it is part of our identity. If you take away it you are eliminating and nulling us as individuals. Second, you cannot bring kids together as individuals. Do you know why? Because your children do not have the same reality that the Latinos, African American Asian and other minorities kids. Third, please take a curse of CRT, so you will know who Pablo Freire is, and I am so mad in this point that I cannot write anything else because I have the perfect word for you; well, ignorant is one very good, but I have many other better. You cannot be able to interpret Pablo freire because your knowledge is so limited so, of course you bring the community your own truth which reminds me the conference of Chimamanda Adichie: “The danger of a single story”. I highly recommend it to you. I am sure you are well aware that mentioning the word “communist” and the name of philosophers you mentioned before people will believe the system is doing a “brainwashing” to the kids? Ignorant! Marx always fights to eliminate the division of classes, labor division, which you are promulgating today. But because Marx cannot come to defend himself you use his name? uuuuhhh !!!! COMMUNISM, so scare word for AMERICANS, how well Americans have distorted the meaning of this word to creates an immediate panic! Fourth, exist something named “meritocracy myth”, yes Sr, no everybody that came to the” land of the opportunity can achieve their dreams” you know why? Because they are hungry people, some of them need to walk to go to school, or they need to work after or before school and sure they will be so tired to be successful, and many others will have to leave school because they WILL NOT HAVE A RICH FATHER LIKE YOU, so they will have to work to survive! And the dream wont never arrived! Finally, please never ever more cited Martin Luther King father or junior, NEVER this is the greatest offence to the intellect of any human being! Hergenhahn (1992) points out that “Throughout history scientific and philosophical works have often been distorted to support political ideologies” it is exactly what you are doing quoting Mr King. You know, I have to read two books so I'll finish with you for now, and not AS YOU. I spend much of my time Good night , sleep well , I know people like you can sleep well.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My trip map

Costa Rica, No Artificial Ingredients

Costa Rica, No Artificial Ingredients

My town

My town


Alonso ( Consul of Colombia, Yami, Consul of Panama, Marcelo Consul of Ecuador, and Consul of Nicaragua )


Costa Rica Beauty, Mi prince

Costa Rica Beauty, Mi prince